Q3 earnings everytime nike report earning their value crash due to bad result. Footlocker earnings was terrible today, NIke should be simmilar. DEC19 2024 we will know Nike earnings
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
排骨 : Nike has a chance to drop by 60, be careful.
Rick Esco OP 排骨 : Been waiting patiently for a while now I'm so Dissapointed with Nike & Nvidia I sold alot a while back & tried to get in again late
c z 排骨 : How to say.
排骨 c z : It's possible, but it will rise after this week
Ineedtosleep 排骨 : why $60? any reason?
103706768 Ineedtosleep : Q3 earnings everytime nike report earning their value crash due to bad result. Footlocker earnings was terrible today, NIke should be simmilar. DEC19 2024 we will know Nike earnings
排骨 103706768 : 说的对 各位要注意了 这2礼拜是关键
排骨 : If you get through tonight, it's fine. The main forces are on their way