I Am 102927471 :
Alex to Xander : how many days to have this amount?
WYChen OP Alex to Xander : 3 month plus
Alex to Xander WYChen OP : the amount that u deposited was?
WYChen OP Alex to Xander : 9.9k
Alex to Xander WYChen OP : needs time and capitalgonna lookup to u haha
duducrv : 0.5% return in 3 months, 1 year only got 2%? How come worst than Maybank FD, or i misunderstood it.
I Am 102927471 :
Alex to Xander : how many days to have this amount?
WYChen OP Alex to Xander : 3 month plus
Alex to Xander WYChen OP : the amount that u deposited was?
WYChen OP Alex to Xander : 9.9k
Alex to Xander WYChen OP : needs time and capital
gonna lookup to u haha
duducrv : 0.5% return in 3 months, 1 year only got 2%? How come worst than Maybank FD, or i misunderstood it.