Bullionaire Ninjia : You are awesome. You entered at the right time.
Clisby OP Bullionaire Ninjia : Thanks. Had a feeling this stock was undervalued, hopefully these drone/ plane hybrids can revolutionize air travel and improve the safety and cost all around
MrNoodles : where did you hear about this stock to get in so low
Clisby OP MrNoodles : This post @Jaguar8
Jaguar8 Clisby OP : Yes. Posted that before New. year
Jaguar8 Clisby OP : I am so happy for you
Clisby OP Jaguar8 : Dude you’re a legend! Just got lucky and got referred to this app by a friend and you were one of the first people I followed
Jaguar8 Clisby OP : You get the credit for your trade! Congratulations!
pink parrot : grr and I lost over 60%
chinccw : hello I checked the lowest price is about 0.04. mind sharing how you managed to buy at 0.004 ?
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Bullionaire Ninjia : You are awesome. You entered at the right time.
Clisby OP Bullionaire Ninjia : Thanks. Had a feeling this stock was undervalued, hopefully these drone/ plane hybrids can revolutionize air travel and improve the safety and cost all around
MrNoodles : where did you hear about this stock to get in so low
Clisby OP MrNoodles : This post @Jaguar8
Jaguar8 Clisby OP : Yes. Posted that before New. year
Jaguar8 Clisby OP : I am so happy for you
Clisby OP Jaguar8 : Dude you’re a legend! Just got lucky and got referred to this app by a friend and you were one of the first people I followed
Jaguar8 Clisby OP : You get the credit for your trade! Congratulations!
pink parrot : grr and I lost over 60%
chinccw : hello I checked the lowest price is about 0.04. mind sharing how you managed to buy at 0.004 ?
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