We really don't pay all that much attention to the news that floods across our screens on 13-F Day every quarter, but in a way, we do. We know the information is dated, coming 45 days after the quarter being reported ends. We know that short positions and cash positions are not included. What if a long position listed on a 13-F is merely a hedge against a larger short position in a somehow adjacent security? We'll never know.
Sell House For Stock : who asked
BH_6730 : Thanks Sarge for this write up
Space Dust : Martin Armstrong has been right more than Buffett.
And he developed a computer based trading program before pretty much anyone, he is the "AI " program investor.
Over the last 10 years, what Martin has recommended investing in has returned 10x what Buffett recommends.
anyone can Google the last 30 years of articles for proof.