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2024 2H Outlook

Hi, as we have seen corrections in the mega caps companies in the last week. I expect we should see some bounces here and there but deeper corrections to continue as money rotation continues in the market. Remember, nothing goes straight down and nothing goes straight up. During corrections, buy the dippers will jump in at different stages. These are mostly retail investors. Once these buy the dipper are exhausted, we will see the bigger crash until the institutions step back in while retailers dumps all thier holding at market bottom. Therefore it is important to look ahead and do your own research and plan your investment straegies instead of following the crowd.
For mysrlf, I am in and out shoting mega cap tech stock for the short term. I have shorted Tesla, SMH, and SMCI and closed my shorts already after its sizable drop. I also bought and closed SCO which is 2X short on oil. The key is not to be greedy. As I mentioned, nothing goes straight down. once it gets its bounce, I may consider to short again. I also just bought BOIL today for long. This is 2X natural gas long. I expect Natural gas to get a nice rebound then I will sell off BOIL and short Natural gas after that.  Also just bought today is WOLF.  This is a semiconductor manufacturer Wolf Speed.  Price near 2 years low and I expect a nice bounce.  In for the short term.
For my long term investments which I plan to hold from now to next 2 to 3 years are gold, silver and gold miners shares. As US debt continue to rise, world economy softens and interest rate cuts begin, I see gold is starting its biggest bull run for next few years. Some examples are GLD, GDX, GDXJ, NEM, GOLD, AEM, SLV, SILJ… etc. Again these are long term investments so I do not expect big gains in the short term but huge gains can be expected as I expect to see steady higher prices in gold months after months.
These are just my personal opinions to share only, not financial advise. Always do your own research and be responsible for your own hard earned money for your investments. Be level headed. Take profits along the way. No one gets poor by taking profits but people go bust by greed and dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Just a word of caution…
Good investing to all.
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