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(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and ended. ⭐ Sales in almost all sectors led by the electrical equipment sector! ⭕ Air and land transportation only plus ❗

(2024/7/25 9:05)
The Japanese market started with a complete decline in accordance with NY.
⭐ Start wholesale and sell as a whole ‼️
💥 America is bad, so Japan is even worse lol lol

・Nikkei Average -899 TOPIX-56 GLOS-7 ↓
・Dollar yen 153.8 ↓ ⭐ Strong yen is also a factor in stock depreciation ❗
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
・Sector Status
⭐ 100% sector decline ‼️🏴‍☠️

(Top 3) Air Freight, Pulp & Paper, Land Transport
(less than 3) Insurance, electrical equipment, securities and commodity futures
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
🟦 SUMCO trial purchase

it's cheap so trial buy Sumco lol lol
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
The Japanese market ended with a sluggish decline.
⭐ All sales led by the electrical equipment sector!

・Nikkei Average -1,285 TOPIX-83 G-7 ↓
・Dollar yen 152.4↓ 💥 yen appreciates even more ‼️
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
・Sector Status
⭐ The sector declined by 90 percent and 9 minutes!

(Top 3) Air Transport, Land Transport, Fisheries/Agriculture and Forestry
⭐ Today, only the air and land transport sectors are positive.
(less than 3) Electrical equipment, securities and commodity futures trading, insurance
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(2024/7/25) The Japanese market will start with an overall decline in accordance with NY. 💥 Sales in all sectors, starting with wholesale ‼️ → Dada lowered and...
(X link) Immediately after the start of the Japanese market Sector Status SUMCO trial purchase Japan Market Summary Sector Status
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