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(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing for US employment statistics due to a downturn in ISM indicators 💥 index plummets 💥⭐ 60% sector decline ⭕ pharmaceuticals ❌ semiconductors.

(2024/8/1 22:35)
The NY market started with an overall increase.
⭐ Buy it on an internet information service and sell it to a bank.

・Dow+185 Nas+70 S&P+28 Razzle +1 ↑
・Interest rate (Y10 = 4.00%) ↓
・Gold, silver, and copper↑ ⭐ commodity purchases
・Crude oil 78.4↑
・Dollar yen 150.4 ↑
・Fear & Greed 54↓
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
・Sector Status
⭐ The sector rose by 60%.

(3 strong) Car and truck dealers, coal, solar energy
(less than 3) silver, uranium, electronic gaming and multimedia
⭐ Sold to uranium There is a semiconductor equipment/materials sector in the worst 4, and semiconductors are also sold ❗
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
💥 ISM falls short of consensus and the NY market plummets!

The indicators were bad, and the NY stock market adjusted downward in preparation for tomorrow's US employment statistics!
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
The NY market ended with a downward adjustment in preparation for US employment statistics due to a decline in ISM indicators ‼️
⭐ Selling semiconductors, buying pharmaceuticals

・Dow-494 Nas-405 S&P-75 Rassel-73 ↓ 💥 Plummeting
・Interest rate (Y10 = 3.97%) ↓ ⭐ Interest rate plummeted
・Gold↑ Silver+Copper↓ ⭐ Escape to Gold
・Crude oil 76.8↓
・Grains (soybeans ↓ corn ↑)
・Dollar yen 149.6↓
・Fear & Greed 40↓ ⭐ Fear
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
・Sector Status
⭐ The sector declined by 60%.

(Strong 3) Residential REITs, Special REITs, Utility Electric Power
⭐ Money transfers to the value sector.

(less than 3) Uranium, silver, semiconductor equipment and materials
⭐ Reduction in the size of positions in sectors that have been piled up until now.
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
🟦 Good financial results for $AAPL (after closing)

Apple's financial results surpassed consensus on both EPS and sales.
(2024/8/1) The NY market started with an overall increase. ⭐ 60% increase ⭕ internet information services, metal ❌ banks, semiconductors, uranium → preparing fo...
(X link) Immediately after the opening of the NY market Sector Status ISM fell short of consensus and the NY market plummeted! NY Market Summary Sector Status $AAPL's financial results are good (after closing)
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