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(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ❌ pharmaceutical→NY market ended with NAS/S&P rising due to the decline in Dow Russell. ⭐ Decreased by 60%. ⭕ Semiconductors ❌ Internet Information

(Monday 2024/8/12 22:40)
Only Dow Russell was negative in the NY market, and other markets started with a slight buyback.
⭐ Buy semiconductors and sell them to pharmaceuticals.

・DOW-92 RACEL-8↓
・Nas+39 S&P+2 ↑
・Interest rate (Y10 = 3.96%) ↑
・Gold, silver, and copper↑
・Crude oil 78.1↑
・Dollar yen 148.0 ↑
・Fear & Greed 23↓
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
・Sector Status
⭐ Half strong and weak sectors.

(3 strong) aluminum, silver, metal industry

(less than 3) independent power plants, home center retail, special REITs
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
🟦 Buy more $NVDA · IN to $LNG

Buy more $NVDA.
IN to $LNG.
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
The NY market ended with NAS/S&P rising due to a fall in the Dow Russell.
⭐ Buy semiconductors and sell to internet information services.

・DOW-140 RACEL-20↓
・Nas+35 S&P+: 0.23↑
・Interest rate (Y10 = 3.90%) ↓ ⭐ Selling government bonds
・Metal industry copper↑
・Crude oil 79.6↑
・Grains (soybeans ↓ corn ↑)
・Dollar yen 147.2↑
・Fear & Greed 24↑ ⭐ Still Afraid
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
・Sector Status
⭐ The sector declined by 60%.

(Strong 3) Metals, Silver, Semiconductors
(less than 3) Medical retail, hotel REit, textile manufacturing
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
🟦 $NVDA, $LNG chart (after closing)

rising together. 👍
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(2024/8/12 Monday) The NY market was only negative for Dow Russell, and other markets started with a slight buyback. ⭐ Half strong or weak. The ⭕ semiconductor ...
(X link) Immediately after the opening of the NY market Sector Status Buy more $NVDA · IN to $LNG NY Market Summary Sector Status $NVDA, $LNG chart (after closing)
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