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(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → despite fear, it rose and ended with the momentum of reversing the crash. ⭐ Semiconductors take the lead in buying everything ‼️

(2024/8/13 22:14)
PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted.
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
The NY market started with an overall rise!
⭐ Semiconductors take the lead and buy in general ❗

・Dow+183 Nas+209 S&P+45 Razzle+8↑
・Interest rate (Y10 = 3.85%) ↓
・Gold↑ Silver+Copper↓
・Crude oil 77.6↓
・Dollar yen 146.9↓
・Fear & Greed 22↓
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
・Sector Status
⭐ The sector rose 70%.

(Top 3) Restaurants, Consumer Electronics, Footwear and Accessories
(less than 3) Copper, oil and gas refining and marketing, oil and gas exploration and production
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
Despite fear of Fear & Greed, the NY market ended after rising and moving ahead of the crash.
⭐ Semiconductors take the lead and buy in general ‼️

・Dow+407 Nas+407 S&P+89 Rasell+31↑
・Interest rate (Y10 = 3.85%) ↓
・Gold↑ Silver+Copper↓
・Crude oil 76.9↓
・Dollar yen 146.8↓
・Fear & Greed 24↑
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
・Sector Status
⭐ The sector rose by 70%!

(3 strong) semiconductors, solar energy, footwear and accessories
⭐ The semiconductor sector surged +5.09% ‼️📈

(Less than 3) Oil and Gas Extraction, Oil and Gas Refining and Marketing, Paper Company
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
🟦 $NVDA Charts (Draw) ⭕

The leading role in the undisputed market!
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
🟦 $LNG chart (draw) 🔺

Today's adjustments seem to be made, but MA5,20 GoldenCross.
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
🟦 $INDL Chart (draw) 🔺

The $INDL chart is being adjusted.
If we lower it further, we plan to reduce positions.
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
💥 The decline in $INDL is like this.
(2024/8/13) PPI was weaker than consensus, and stock prices rose and reacted → the NY market started with an overall rise! ⭐ 70% increase. ⭕ semiconductor ❗ → d...
(X link) PPI is weak and the market is favorable Immediately after the opening of the NY market Sector Status NY Market Summary Sector Status $NVDA Charts (draw) $LNG chart (draw) $INDL chart (draw) 💥 Causes of the fall in $INDL
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