Transferred in August with 1+year stock trading experience. Struggled in first 3months while learning thru Papertrade. Finally managed to make profit in Nov from Donald Trump effect and Dec from$Quantum Computing (QUBT.US)$. Left early with$Palantir (PLTR.US)$due to uncertainty but back invested.
Ranked 55th on my first comp Positive Yield Challenge 🤩
T Dewayne Moore : Good work in the past few months. I’ve also hit several quantum stocks. Now, I’m loaded up with options. I hope it goes well.
tetsuo75 : how do you see Palantir now bro ...still can go in?
T Dewayne Moore tetsuo75 : I previously got in at 70 and out at 80. I plan to go back in after I solidify all my quantum gains.