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23,504.93% is how you do it Boys!

23,504.93% is how you do it Boys!
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  • Gilley : well help someone out wth

  • Gilley : looks like my first account before the got me in a halt and took everything in 1 second

  • Morgan Cypher OP Gilley : Halt?

  • Gilley Morgan Cypher OP : once shorted a stock and it halted seconds after I got it at 3 dollars in 1 second it opened at 38 dollars 1300 percent up closed my account took 70k and left my negative 20k in my account was crazy ps was back down to were I bought next day also have bought in to a huge low stock dropped like 90 percent before and had nasdeq save the people who sold and gave me a short position which I thought was illegal but isn't somehow killing my account again ps also happen day before and after those orders were fine people didn't have there positions changed to a short position also been trapped in options and been up 100 percent but not being able to close out even after calling broker and finra and security exchange had all the time in the world to get out finally got help only after the whole day went by 15 minutes before close moomoo tech support calls 95 percent lose on 10k had some crazy crap happen to me in the markets before today sucked to bought puts blew up past downtrend in nasdeq then sold right away and right away it tanks sucked today missed a 10 k day cause I wouldn't hold all day on a uptrend just seems like market makers hate me and will manipulate things as soon as I touch anything half the time I play the big one cause you would think they shouldn't have the craziest volatility everytime I buy options in them but they do but win lose as long as I don't get trapped in orders changed or the magic 1 second 1300 percent move in a second then its not so bad lol plus alot of crazy crap were as soon as I put a options order in nasdeq a instant jump or drop of 2 dollars always 2 dollars crushing my play and it in 10 minutes of my options order always just weird controlled system I feel but I win more then I lose but I lose way more then when I win so it evens out most the time

  • Gilley : all together its over 100k in the craziest loses the halt dont short anymore cause it the buying in to low and having a short forced on my on a stock thats down crazy 90 percent and not being able to close my options position even though I had hours to and called broker and everyone I could think of but nothing no help till eod when my day options expired worthless after being up to 20 plus k from 10k

  • Gilley : I also don't buy stocks that drop to much cause of it , whole concept of the markets buy low sell high but I'm not allowed to without getting screwed over that time I had the options play trap me I had a whole month of only wins was nuts the 1st of the next month lost everything i made the month before on that the better I do the worse the situation is but they always find a way to take in all in 1 go

  • Morgan Cypher OP Gilley : Learn from your mistakes and wait until your EXTREMELY Confident then go BIG. Take half off when up and let the rest ride! Not selling is the hardest part.

  • 每天都在學習中 : Please ask, sir. What kind of investment lease is this?

  • 每天都在學習中 : Is this an options? Impressive👍

  • Gilley Morgan Cypher OP : I was extremely confident when I bought put this morning at the top of the downtrend and was also confident that if I held it would only go up and was confident I was going to be pissed after I sell and it tanks its a system build to do that just gotta know when to cut loses they will take it all back if u let them so be careful man stay winning just don't let them take it back your doing great.

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23 year old Christian believer that all good things come from above.