105007636 : What does 5 phone calls mean?
Nidia_Girl OP 105007636 : options contracts
105007636 Nidia_Girl OP : Does it mean over 5 US dollars? Because I'm not very clear but still thank you for your answer.
Nidia_Girl OP 105007636 : it's possible , but depends on tomorrow.. take profit if you have this doesn't always hold long
105007636 Nidia_Girl OP : 好的谢谢您的建议
Master D Nidia_Girl OP : Good idea. I just cash out. 15k is good enough for me.
105007636 : What does 5 phone calls mean?
Nidia_Girl OP 105007636 : options contracts
105007636 Nidia_Girl OP : Does it mean over 5 US dollars? Because I'm not very clear but still thank you for your answer.
Nidia_Girl OP 105007636 : it's possible , but depends on tomorrow.. take profit if you have this doesn't always hold long
105007636 Nidia_Girl OP : 好的谢谢您的建议
Master D Nidia_Girl OP : Good idea. I just cash out. 15k is good enough for me.