The S&P 500 fell 1.07% on Monday. The DJIA ended the session 0.97% lower, while the tech-heavy NASDAQ dropped 1.19%. U.S. stocks had also tumbled on Friday, erasing most of the gains posted earlier during the holiday-shortened trading week. With one trading session left in December, the S&P 500 and Dow are each on pace to record their biggest monthly losses since April, as a big post-election rally has faded.
103210545 : Where do u get the heat map in moomoo? Can you guide me pls
nerdbull1669 OP 103210545 : I did it from the moomoo desktop app, go to Explore , then select US
you will see the heatmap below, then you can select industry to expand it.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more information.
you will see the heatmap below, then you can select industry to expand it.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more information.
Dan’l : Yours is the best explanation I’ve seen as to why Santa seems to have skipped my portfolios this week.
Not saying you’re wrong in regard to Small Caps, but several analysts have been steering the other way, into the top thirty, instead… starting 25 behind.