FANCY PANTS : Unless they put the offering out before earnings to capitalize on good news either way, I sold my position in AH.
ur wifes boyfriend OP FANCY PANTS : I held on to tiny amount. they are going to put out now because the price is at 7 in my opinion. I just wish they could of waited. it's not a big need to do a offering right away
Makes : So should I sell at 7 and reenter on 4
FANCY PANTS : Unless they put the offering out before earnings to capitalize on good news
either way, I sold my position in AH.
ur wifes boyfriend OP FANCY PANTS : I held on to tiny amount. they are going to put out now because the price is at 7 in my opinion. I just wish they could of waited. it's not a big need to do a offering right away
Makes : So should I sell at 7 and reenter on 4