再世孔明 : I thought next corner is 4.5?
要起才会赢 : which corner?
Big Dipper : I won't be able to for now. To return to 5.5, you'll need to reach 7 first, even 7.5, and it's after the dividend distribution. Good luck to you all!
Reeve190 : 3.5 coming
Cheng S : corner until it becomes full circle
dookiro : Do you have any supporting reasons why you say 5.50?
再世孔明 : I thought next corner is 4.5?
要起才会赢 : which corner?
Big Dipper : I won't be able to for now. To return to 5.5, you'll need to reach 7 first, even 7.5, and it's after the dividend distribution. Good luck to you all!
Reeve190 : 3.5 coming
Cheng S : corner until it becomes full circle
dookiro : Do you have any supporting reasons why you say 5.50?