104703565 : how much u put?
103359300 OP 104703565 : 3k
104874273 103359300 OP : 3,000 USD?
Careon ng : the calculation is depend the rate p.a...not only just show the amount
103359300 OP 104874273 : yea 3k usd
103359300 OP Careon ng : so do you think it worth?
Careon ng 103359300 OP : no..money market normally is promised of the return and steady, very very low volatility...but it's performance is not meet the fund principle
105137239 : fawn
103447132 : Why can't I get a penny after more than 5 days?
102143912 103359300 OP : The return was penny
104703565 : how much u put?
103359300 OP 104703565 : 3k
104874273 103359300 OP : 3,000 USD?
Careon ng : the calculation is depend the rate p.a...not only just show the amount
103359300 OP 104874273 : yea 3k usd
103359300 OP Careon ng : so do you think it worth?
Careon ng 103359300 OP : no..money market normally is promised of the return and steady, very very low volatility...but it's performance is not meet the fund principle
105137239 : fawn
103447132 : Why can't I get a penny after more than 5 days?
102143912 103359300 OP : The return was penny