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7/2 (Tue) Nikkei 225 Futures Trade (check the status in the morning)

※This is a personal trade diary (for chart analysis records) notebook!
As of 2024/7/2 (Tue) 7:00am
Trade diary (for recording) *Record location transferred to Moomoo Memo from 5/20
Record rules are in bullet points (no emotions required)
[Yesterday's trades and stock holdings]
※Was Nikkei Trade closed yesterday (market price even if you take a break when it's hard to do)
*Only CFD Jianyu Hold that I entered in the 37,000 yen range the other day (described in past notes) 👇
[Status check (before summer market price)]
■Daily schedule, weekly range break
※It broke one level higher, but the upper price is still heavy
※Weekly foot shadow line starts
※There are rubbing zones on both the top and bottom (small range trend)
※July-August summer withering market (decrease in turnover)
※Aiming for a swing is over
※Date trading is compatible with the range (but attract them)
※Emotional memo: 2024 first half is over (^^; when overseas players go on vacation, we enter the familiar quiet market every year! I took a break first with the aim of buying only the place where it was lowered deeper! If there is a good scene to watch the situation, I plan to enter the date training! After that, let's just hold the balls from the 37,000 yen range and wait and see (^^;
■Check chart status
※There are no plans to trade, so no split confirmation
■Weekly chart (the upper price is heavy)
7/2 (Tue) Nikkei 225 Futures Trade (check the status in the morning)
■Daily chart (with multiple upper and lower zones = small range trend?)
7/2 (Tue) Nikkei 225 Futures Trade (check the status in the morning)
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    🔴アラフィフFIREマン(51歳) ▫️投資経験13年 ▫️日経225先物、CFD、個別株 ⚠️個別株のデイトレはやりません!