103245415 : Don't worry, it's OK in the long run
105573265 OP 103245415 : Hope it will be 9.99
103245415 105573265 OP : 99.9 is better hahahaha
105573265 OP : 99 for a long time
Pikaman : I bought it at 2.5. But it's not much. Leave it and buy it when it drops. Don't look at it for the long term.
103245415 : Don't worry, it's OK in the long run
105573265 OP 103245415 : Hope it will be 9.99
103245415 105573265 OP : 99.9 is better hahahaha
105573265 OP : 99 for a long time
Pikaman : I bought it at 2.5.
But it's not much. Leave it and buy it when it drops. Don't look at it for the long term.