103873948 : It has reached a new historical high, who says it's too expensive and no one will buy it?
103157613 : How far can go today go go go
牛不吃草 OP 103157613 : Let’s see can reach 2.1 or not
103157613 牛不吃草 OP : Already hit
牛不吃草 OP 103157613 : Careful careful
103873948 : It has reached a new historical high, who says it's too expensive and no one will buy it?
103157613 : How far can go today go go go
牛不吃草 OP 103157613 : Let’s see can reach 2.1 or not
103157613 牛不吃草 OP : Already hit
牛不吃草 OP 103157613 : Careful careful