我是奶龙_00后 : Fear of being stepped on by others.
KccLee : Israel has once again threatened to bomb Iran.
勇敢妞妞 : I have not been able to sell anything since this morning 🥹
105677396 OP 勇敢妞妞 : Just a low stock price.
105677396 OP : It should drop unless the big fish comes in.
我是奶龙_00后 勇敢妞妞 : Signal of a sharp decline!
我是奶龙_00后 : Fear of being stepped on by others.
KccLee : Israel has once again threatened to bomb Iran.
勇敢妞妞 : I have not been able to sell anything since this morning 🥹
105677396 OP 勇敢妞妞 : Just a low stock price.
105677396 OP : It should drop unless the big fish comes in.
我是奶龙_00后 勇敢妞妞 : Signal of a sharp decline!