Peter J : too bad most investor here are conservative type and sell whenever there's fall
跟着我一起飞 : It should be the opposite, dropping even more after the general election.
RandomTrader_ : US election does not interfere with this stock at all since it does not trade in the US market. The stock is just slowly correcting itself lol. Extremely overvalued as of current price.
跟着我一起飞 Peter J : Youtuber一直教会我们止损。。
ming88 RandomTrader_ : 如果美选是黑天鹅赢的话全球股市可能会出现红色(想想吧不要当真)
Peter J : too bad most investor here are conservative type and sell whenever there's fall
跟着我一起飞 : It should be the opposite, dropping even more after the general election.
RandomTrader_ : US election does not interfere with this stock at all since it does not trade in the US market. The stock is just slowly correcting itself lol. Extremely overvalued as of current price.
跟着我一起飞 Peter J : Youtuber一直教会我们止损。。
ming88 RandomTrader_ : 如果美选是黑天鹅赢的话全球股市可能会出现红色