Andy-Lai : I'm waiting for you guys on CN
开开心心钱多多 OP : Slow to take off and land.
Andy-Lai 开开心心钱多多 OP : Uh-huh, look at individual gameplay, the lower the number, the higher the increase in stocks you get, and the faster you lose money just as dangerous
小小兔子 : CO is the same, but they all expire; I chose the expiration date of May next year
Andy-Lai : I'm waiting for you guys on CN
开开心心钱多多 OP : Slow to take off and land.
Andy-Lai 开开心心钱多多 OP : Uh-huh, look at individual gameplay, the lower the number, the higher the increase in stocks you get, and the faster you lose money
just as dangerous 
小小兔子 : CO is the same, but they all expire; I chose the expiration date of May next year