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A moment in time with Piggy

I had huge success with AMC and GME, but saw the reversing trend and backed down my position size. In late 22 and early 23’ gave back a small amount of those profits and then reduced share size yet again to a more reasonable amount. Small but consistent gains returned.
23-24’ has been a very solid year even taking one the chin from Mullen and then AMC options that TDAmeritrade screwed me on. Now ive fully left TDA/Schwab to never return.
Ive learned a lot over these last 5 years of trading and have become much more successful and thanks to the early AMC/GME gains, ive been able to do what i want, when i want.
Trading for a living is not for everyone. Be careful because the losses are real and the emotional effects are even worse. In these last 5 years ive watched friends blow up 6 figure accounts.
Coined - Piggys nose knows, If you always take the win then youll never have a loss, A moment with Piggy, Adam Aron the Devil
I know there are a lot of you out there that fought with me over these last 5 years on mainly AMC that wish they would have listened. We all take our bumps and bruises the same, its just a matter of learning from them or not.
I wish you all the best and may 25’ be a great year for is all!!
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  • Chuddy : sir we will win on holo! all of us vacation here in india!

  • 72571364 : pltr only good company there

  • 104294223 : Sometimes all that positive press can be a bit misleading, especially if the fundamentals don’t support it. The price has been trending down despite the hype, which is why I’m holding a SHORT position on $SOUN. Might be worth considering a more cautious approach, just something to think about if you’re still LONG. Stay sharp, everyone!

People don’t like the truth because some times it hurts. I tell the truth so some times people don’t like me 🤪🤪