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A Quick Quiche

A man walked into a cafe and sat down.  He sat down and scanned the menu while a particularly attractive waitress came up to him.  "What can I get you today sir?" she asked.  "Let's see," he said looking at her and then the menu, "I think I will take a quickie."  The waitress looked at him in disgust and walked away.  A bit later she came back and asked again, "What can I get you?" The man said, "I'll take a quickie."  This time the waitress angrily told him off and stomped away.  The man looked confused until another man sitting at the table next to him leaned over and said, "Um, sir, I think it's pronounced QUICHE."
Let's face it, sometimes in the market we don't necessarily know what we are doing, or we assume something about someone or a stock without knowing the full story.  Indeed, any stock or holding we jump into requires a bit of faith, and no matter how much DD we do, or work we put in, we can't and won't be right one hundred percent of the time.
Sometimes it takes someone else helping and guiding us along, or us having the humility to understand we can take help and it is not a sign of weakness.  Whether we don't know every pronunciation or everything about a stock, we continue to do our best and accept genuine help from other quarters. That way, we avoid the proverbial "smack" from Wall Street who may not be as forgiving as a waitress.
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