A tax-free way to save and invest?What you need to know about TFSA
If you're looking for a tax-free way to save and invest, a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) could be the solution for you, a flexible, registered savings vehicle allowing Canadians toearn tax-free investment income.
Investing gets you far higher returns in the long run, and the icing on the cake? You’ll get the benefit ofnot paying a single dollar of taxon any of your earnings.
or an investor looking to make profits from commodities likegoldor cryptocurrencies such asBitcoin
The TFSA is a versatile account that may cater to your diverse investment needs!
How much can I contribute to my TFSA?
The contribution room for a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)builds up annually, even if you haven't opened a TFSA.
If you are a Canadian resident, your contribution room begins accumulating from 2009 or the year you turned 18. This means if you open a new TFSA in2024and have never contributed to a TFSA elsewhere, you would havea total available contribution room of $95,000if you were 18 or older in 2009.
Note that investment income earned in your TFSA and changes in the value of your investments do not affect your TFSA contribution room for current or future years.
While TFSAs and RRSPs both offer valuable saving opportunities, they also accommodate a range of investments beyond just cash holdings. That being said, there are still a few notable differences between these two accounts. To cut to the chase, here are some of the keywords you might be looking for:
If you are still unsure about which method to choose after reviewing the table above, you can refer to the following flowchart for further determination.