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$Apple (AAPL.US)$ Bought 15 contracts of AAPL $220 9/20 puts… SEND ME LUCK!
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  • ma gon : till next next friday...

  • 70729741 OP ma gon : Less than 1/2 the theta.. not holding past this Friday..

  • 70729741 OP ma gon : Do not want to buy weekly.. Too much time decay

  • ma gon : than even more risky
    why would it fall in next 3 days?

  • ma gon : I have learnded hard way to buy 3x the time of expected move to have some chance, otherwise its like casino

  • 70729741 OP : Really? #1- Release yesterday was dismal. Everybody expected big artificial intelligence news and nothing.. second did you see the news today? #2-They have to pay billions of dollars in taxes. That is going to hurt their bottom line going forward.#3- They should be sub 200 considering their p/e. #4- Warren Buffett sold off 50% of his apple stake, and it is not paid the price for that yet. Warren Buffett also sold all of his Bank of America steak and look at the banks today.

  • ma gon : #1 - normal release, nothing incredible, and nothing bad
    #2 - there is an accrual for that in costs years behind, it's not going to go through P&L, but yes potentially CF will be affeccted. Most likley they will keep fighting. Dont know the details tho
    #3 - its a religion, P/E is irrelevant
    #4 - yeah, Jerrome will mess things up, plus Chinese market is on the decline. They try to resurect it with Tencent partnership. Mby will work out, who knows.
    BoA sale is not big as far as I know. Like 5% of sth. Banks like that never go down.
    Anyways. Its just a chat. Everybody has an opinion. Hope yours work out.

  • 70729741 OP : Thank you.
