On May 27, Japan's NTT agency announced its intention to acquire 58.73% of GHL Systems (GHLSYS) shares at a purchase price of approximately RM724 million and issue a mandatory acquisition of the remaining shares it does not hold at a price of RM1.08 million per share.
102606733 : M&A offer price is RM 1.08
CalvinElf OP 102606733 : So I can sell everything I bought before? Or can we wait?
102606733 CalvinElf OP : sorry, I am not sure. please check with expert before you make any decision.
102606733 : On May 27, Japan's NTT agency announced its intention to acquire 58.73% of GHL Systems (GHLSYS) shares at a purchase price of approximately RM724 million and issue a mandatory acquisition of the remaining shares it does not hold at a price of RM1.08 million per share.
CalvinElf OP 102606733 : So it is? Can I sell it and I don't need to keep it anymore?