I am not sure why people are shorting the strongest stock in the universe like NVDA when they see the drop of the stock. I saw this as an opportunity instead‼️ Shareholder meeting is around the corner and Micron Earning report is set to be released by today as well… There is a lot of catalyst ahead, not worth to short⚠️⚠️
Nik A : people still buying tesla?
MomentumPython1337 : shorting is for gamblers, it's no surprise that people will short nvda. the market is not rational, there's always a fight between bulls and bears. if the market was rational the price would instantly move to the perfect price and stay constant until next earnings report
Anthony 27 OP MomentumPython1337 : Haha agreed
Anthony 27 OP Nik A : I am buying BYD BUT ya for stock, im buying tesla
Aaron Invests (AI) Nik A : I'm still buying tesla
Space Dust MomentumPython1337 : shorting is for gamblers. I'm thinking you just fell out of your crib..
the entire market , stocks .. is gambling.. jfc.. it's so dense on there.. you need a flashlight ..