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Added Info on Collaboration

Background of Collaboration
▪️GLS, the fast proprietary blockchain technology provided by Earlyworks, addresses the problem of slow processing speed, which has been a major bottleneck in conventional blockchains. GLS has a processing speed of less than 0.2 seconds in certain circumstances, which is ideal for enterprise blockchains. GLS has controllable and easy-to-use operational functions that are as good as those of conventional databases. It has high processing power like a large-scale database, and achieves both easy-installation and high customizability, as well as high tamper-resistance and convenience, which are the characteristics of blockchains.
▪️ZenmuTech's AONT (All-or-Nothing Transform) secret splitting technology divides data into "several pieces (shares) that is nullified and split across various locations”, so that if one fragment is missing, the whole picture cannot be recovered and data leakage can be prevented. This technology is attracting attention as an alternative solution of encryption technology, which has been the basis of security technology to date.
Combining the tamper-resistance of blockchain with data-nullifying technology by secret splitting, Earlyworks and ZenmuTech are now able to provide strong and fast next-generation data protection. With this collaboration, Earlyworks and ZenmuTech will create an innovative business model for the enterprises in Japan.
▪️Objectives of Collaboration
With this collaboration, Earlyworks and ZenmuTech seek:
1) New blockchain to unleash a digital revolution
GLS enables secure management of a wide variety of content, including not only text, but also images, videos, and music.
This implies that content creators can offer engaging content while keeping their work secure and protected.
2) Powerful SDKs brought by ZENMU Engine (SDK) & GLS (SDK)
Combining the two SDKs is expected to result in a more convenient and powerful SDK that delivers security and reliability.
Customers will be able to enjoy their digital lives with peace of mind and handle their data with confidence in the business world.
(3) Secret splitting x blockchain = robust security Earlyworks and ZenmuTech will develop a technology to secretly split large files and manage a fragment of them on the blockchain. This is expected to reduce the risk of information leakage and data tampering. The transparency of blockchain and the robustness of secret splitting combine to set a new standard for data protection. Additional details on this collaboration will be released later this summer.
■ Market Potential and Alliance Background
The global market for blockchain, a leading Web3 technology, continues to grow every year and is expected to reach approximately $10.6 billion in 2023 and $404.1 billion in 2030 (*1). The market is expected to grow 38-fold in the seven years from 2023 to 2030, and such huge market growth is attracting more attention around the world.
On the other hand, the Japanese blockchain market is expected to be worth 142.7 billion JPY (*2) in 2023, and compared to the global market size, Japan's market share is estimated to be about 10%. In Japan, the "Priority Policy Program for Realizing Digital Society" approved by the Cabinet in June 2022 includes "Promoting Web3.0”, which in turn includes the use of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) based on blockchain technology," and the "Web 3.0 Study Group" was established at the Digital Agency to study the future use of blockchain. Although the "Web 3.0 Study Group" has been established at the Digital Agency and has been increasing its activities, the actual business use of blockchain has yet to increase significantly.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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