103648678 : means your "all-in" is 10k approximately?
105103395 OP 103648678 : Yes, about 10k usd
Buy_High_Sell_Low : Hi Bro, You should buy option in Straddle or iron condor! I lost total 10 K already for trading in wrong side. So, I buy both call and put.... but need to analyze which one to buy and sell...
103648678 : means your "all-in" is 10k approximately?
105103395 OP 103648678 : Yes, about 10k usd
Buy_High_Sell_Low : Hi Bro, You should buy option in Straddle or iron condor! I lost total 10 K already for trading in wrong side. So, I buy both call and put.... but need to analyze which one to buy and sell...