commented on a stock · Dec 20 02:40
$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ ever since lisa took over ...
$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ ever since lisa took over historically since 2016 amd weekly chart 200ma have only touched 3 times. 1 in 2018 which it rebounded instantly, 2022 bear market (slightly below). and now we are just 5 dollars away from 114. which i think wallstreet is going to do their best to touch it tomorrow or next weeek. I PERSONALLY THINK..... its the bottom already.. bear friends pls dont be angry :)
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veeeeee : not sure if bear friends will be angry, but bull friends are super angry now
pootpoot OP veeeeee : yes i can feel their wrath thru the monitor but well 114 is being very positive already.
ZhoolyeyMooch : I’m positive. Will be buying more at $114 for sure. No one has to follow. You all make your own choices and take responsibility for it. #peace #freetochoose #agreetodisagree #noneed4abusivelanguage
EddieWang : Haha
EddieWang : I am with.