well then you should sell it you should short it why are you even here? do you think you're going to influence people by saying they're inferior? Lisa increased guidance as a result of beating revenues of beating earnings they're doing an acquisition that many believe will put them close to being at par to Nvidia.
10baggerbamm : sell your two shares kid move on I'm quite certain that everybody else will survive without your support
MoreOfTheSame : Everything you people touch goes to the dumpster.
Cameron Conoley : Clearly you don’t watch more than 1 or 2 companies at a time lol
72698897 10baggerbamm : I have 100 I'm selling
72698897 Hoes for Harris : I prefer Nvidia
10baggerbamm 72698897 : oh my God it's in a free fall it's collapsing..
72698897 10baggerbamm : amd is inferior to nvidia
10baggerbamm 72698897 : well then you should sell it you should short it why are you even here? do you think you're going to influence people by saying they're inferior? Lisa increased guidance as a result of beating revenues of beating earnings they're doing an acquisition that many believe will put them close to being at par to Nvidia.
72698897 : I can be here because its a free world, if you're bullish on it that's your opinion. Have a nice day