AMDAlways just an ordinary Stocks, where did the unexpected come from, it and NVDABusiness completely overlaps, can it explode by picking up leaks? Investing in its money Start buying nowNVDA, long ago made money.
han jiawei
You're absolutely right, no need to explain too much to them, they are deeply trapped. Expressing opinions to comfort myself...hahaha.
1福星高照1 : He is just short-term Stocks downturn.
Mustbe : AMDAlways just an ordinary Stocks, where did the unexpected come from, it and NVDABusiness completely overlaps, can it explode by picking up leaks? Investing in its money Start buying nowNVDA, long ago made money.
han jiawei OP Mustbe : Now avgo is the competitor of nvda, amd plays the role of eating scraps.
88cash88 han jiawei OP : You're absolutely right, no need to explain too much to them, they are deeply trapped. Expressing opinions to comfort myself...hahaha.