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$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ poor guidance for gpus is ...

$Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ poor guidance for gpus is only 4.5B up from four that's not good they were looking for 6 billion last quarter
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  • Salmon Klein : well it's an improvement...maybe they are just being conservative then is easier to beat

  • 10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : you don't want that you want to raise the bar high you get rewarded for that and then when you beat that high bar that's when stocks hit New highs.

  • Salmon Klein 10baggerbamm OP : ok I see it. then that's explain the drop...tomorrow flat day?

  • 10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : it's trading higher and I suspect you'll see some brokerage firms raise estimates on it raise Target price I don't know if it's going to help meta is already getting butchered right now I know it's a different company met is falling off of anticipated cap acts like Microsoft that's why meta got whacked last quarter it should benefit in video right should benefit chip companies across the board AMD but right now the mindset is these texts are getting shorted and institutions are dumping

  • Salmon Klein 10baggerbamm OP : yeah...I was thinking that the big drop will continue until autumn if no more? but maybe with this news we see some rally up and consolidation of the price above 150...hopefully?

  • 10baggerbamm OP Salmon Klein : I really don't know the people that were not in them that missed it I think are going to be buyers of them but I don't know what percentage of the pool of money that that would be it's probably single digit. I think it may take a quarter of disappointments from these other sectors and little to no growth for people to get discontented with these other sectors. I mean if you look they talk about the AI bobble but it's not the leading tech stocks the AI bubble is extending the story of artificial intelligence to other sectors that have done nothing with it and as a result you just get the story that bids them up for example utsl basket leverage utilities been in it sold it been in it sold it they were around $24 $23 and all these mutt bobbleheads on TV start saying oh you know there's going to be all this demand for energy you got to buy utilities do you think any of these utilities have built out anything and the answer is no do you think any nuclear plants have been built no there's so much legislation there's so much headwinds with EPA with local politics but yet they bid them up about 35% and then they since collapsed now they're gradually coming back

  • 10baggerbamm OP 10baggerbamm OP : then you had the uranium companies which are fucking asinine these companies have little to no revenue and they went from $2 to $15 from $5 to $40 because they're going to provide the uranium for the power plants for the data centers okay that's a bubble the utility stocks when they went from a gradual growth rate to going up 45 degrees that's a bubble because they have no revenue to validate the acceleration and value of the stocks it's just a multiple expansion. so you get these sectors that rotate that they try to create the story that they're an AI play but they've done nothing from a revenue growth standpoint it just becomes a momentum of money and a bigger full theory until the rug gets pulled. so now they want to buy the Russell they've had four years of declining income as a basket declining revenue but this year it'll be different so let's bid them up 10% in a week mostly it was short covering and now every ID on TV is saying exactly what Tom Lee said 3 weeks ago or a month ago he was the first one that started it nobody else.. said 40% by the end of the year on the Russell. will it happen?? I bought call options last week on the dip when TNA was around $44 I bought the January 25 60s just because I don't know everything and Tom leaves a bright guy. but we haven't even had an interest rate cut and when these companies disappoint this quarter and they will and next quarter and they will at what point will people get tired of owning companies that disappoint

  • 10baggerbamm OP 10baggerbamm OP : because that's what's going to happen you see small caps need two things cheap money to borrow to finance growth that's number one number two in economy that's growing well wait a second we have an economy that's contracting how do you know McDonald's says so Domino's Pizza says so Walmart says so all these companies are telling us consumer spending less they're tapped GDP slowing it did flip up last week but it's been slowing trending down will that hurt small cap companies so you need lower rates well do you think 25 basis points helps them how about 50 how about 75 how about a hundred the answer is no no no they need 150,250 basis points to refinance their debt or to borrow money cheap money because they're not borrowing it prime. so what we're talking about is probably a year from today best case scenario we're down 100 basis points 150 maybe maximum that's not going to translate this shit for profits on these Russell stocks. but what do I know..

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.