- Exercise or letting it expire is the same, price can go up or down today. - Selling option on the day of expiry is not much premium left so not much difference. - You can sell the stock after exercise paying little commission, not much difference
Hu8t C8t
what you said is exactly my thoughts. I just need to see different views. I intend to hold it long term, so I will just exercise it then.
Gregory McClaine : When is expiration
Hu8t C8t OP Gregory McClaine : Coming market closes
wahlao : I advise u immediately go to the temple pray hard
. No need to do anything else.
Hu8t C8t OP wahlao : Why do you say that?
wahlao : - Exercise or letting it expire is the same, price can go up or down today.
- Selling option on the day of expiry is not much premium left so not much difference.
- You can sell the stock after exercise paying little commission, not much difference
Just go temple pray, trust me
Hu8t C8t OP wahlao :
what you said is exactly my thoughts. I just need to see different views. I intend to hold it long term, so I will just exercise it then.