We know that intrinsic value is directly related to the direction, while time value is closely related to time, volatility, and so on. I won't go into details here. Remember this mnemonic: "Expect a significant increase, buy calls; expect a significant decrease, buy puts; not expecting an increase, sell calls; not expecting a decrease, sell puts" "Significant increase, significant decrease"Already includes time value. In a market with low volatility, the loss of option value will be significant, while time value continuously diminishes. Therefore, only by clearly buying call or put options in the market can excess profits be generated.
Alen Kok : okay
Sat0shi Nakamoto : Thank you.
Sat0shi Nakamoto : But it didn't talk about the destruction of value.
没有咖啡的吃茶店 OP Sat0shi Nakamoto : If you're interested, I'll talk about this later