I’ve been short-term holder since March of this year but I plan on staying in the NVDA game for the long haul especially after seeing the exponential growth of this stock. My question is, after the 10-1 split on Monday what is your prediction of what will happen?
I get that we can’t time the market but after missing the wave three times I have a head full of steam now! With that being said, will NVDA hit 1000 again and if so, how long down the road do you think it’ll take? 1 year, 2 years, 10 years???
hocsheng : Normally, the stock will drop by about 20% after the split. In 2022, Tesla 600/1 split 3. From 200 to today's price, the price of a share is around 180, and none of them will go up
etyn100 : maybe decade later
PDGE-d1G 103861416 : I feel like I want to fill up my position and don't have any more money to enter the market, so I don't want NVDA to grow too fast