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Spotlight on SMCI Open Storage Summit '24: Can it ignite a new AI wave?
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AI benefits?

Tonyco joined discussion · Aug 12 09:48
Over the weekend during my research I decided to investigate more about the claims of AI being transformative and enhancing productivity.
In general, it seems the main benefit will be time. For example, chatgpt, the most well known AI application, allows us to save time from having to sift through internet search results to find what we need. Instead of going to Google I just ask my AI and it does the work for me. Not only is it faster, I don't have to worry about phishing websites stealing my shit, malware or Spyware sneaking in and stealing my shit...
But what else? Well, hopefully you weren't planning on getting a data entry job, cause AI can do all that now. On the bright side, this means more money for businesses, AND faster & automated data entry, increasing production.
Scribes out there probably should find new work also. AI is able to recognize voices and translate them or transcribe what it "hears".
Businesses working internationally don't need to pay premiums for bilingual employees anymore either. AI can probably auto-translate, if not already, then soon. So no need for translators, interpreters, etc...
I think it's only the beginning. The problem is alot of this is behind the scenes. This means Old Money actually has to dig in and learn what is happening. This is why you still hear so much about "bubbles" and "dotcom crash" etc... they can't see what AI is doing, so they don't understand it's value.
We always have to remember no matter how good something is these days, if Old Money doesn't get it, it takes forever to really take off. They still hold 91% of the world's wealth. This is why META is still 500 instead of 50, and NVDA is still bouncing around 100-120 instead of 500-600.
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  • Censorship here : All tech improves time . Nvda just had a stock spilt but u implying it should be 500 already ?

  • 10baggerbamm : if you look at the savings of what palantir is offering by using AI the models that were done were taking 3 days for the government to set up it's down to 3 hours. so time is money and that's proof positive that technology is evolutionary is transformative and the people that are bitching and moaning for example the useless Hollywood playwriters movie script writers that don't want AI to be used they're scared to death because they're functionally obsolete is what they are they can't come up with shit for ideas but wanting to get paid all the big bucks for doing nothing. and the people in industries that robots are going to replace you're obsolete so you better learn a trade and a skill now because if efficiencies of production hold true and they will, will manufacturers don't need people any longer. so time and Labor which is an enormous expense are going to be mitigated by artificial intelligence.

  • Space Dust : AI.. when explained at the most basic level. sounds like a rewrapped commercial for what a " computer"🖥️ can do.

    it is literally artificial intelligence, the term is just 💄 on a 🐷.

    think about it.. what is it really, EXACTLY WHAT 1950'S  said a computer was.. ffs .how are we all so dense?

    is it just noone knows what happened 2 generations ago?

  • Space Dust : large fields of farmworkers OBSOLETE by 🚜.. " ai" is just the next step in tractor technology.

    has anyone seen black and white 📺 sci Fi movies from the 50s-60s?

    that computer on TV 📺 then was doing exactly what " ai" is now

    how about 1980s movies? Short Circuit🤖 , War Games, etc..

    if you actually believe " ai" is some ' new' tech, or " robots" are gonna be tomorrow.. there are movies from the 1920s about them..

    it's not new,, just to you.. and the MSM gets every mouth breathing , drooling 🐑 to just Gobble whatever BS term ,

    and hey , did you get your booster? 💉.. 🐑

  • 103539497 : hi

  • luxcan : You haven't go into big corporation with sensitive data would want their own private "chatgpt" where their data will not be trained on.

    this is something where Microsoft is working on it.

  • Dillon Lewis7 : i bought at 135 and im not sweating it. will go back up eventually and im holding for the long term but dang i could be richer.

  • White_Shadow : not many companies have actually generated  revenue from artificial intelligence yet

  • Aliencreation 10baggerbamm : You have no idea what you just wrote.  lolololol I work in Hollywood and you couldn't have been more precise.

Had to quit my job for my baby. Working opposites on account of defunded childcare. Now, I learn and daytrade for her!!!
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