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AI won't take away human jobs! So who's going to take it?

Please watch the music video below first (lol)
【MV】Dance with Options
AI won't take away human jobs! So who's going to take it?
I did all of the following in an hour and a half this morning.
・Create thumbnails
・MV video creation & editing
Of these, the part that took the longest was adding a caption to the video. it took 40 minutes here alone lol
If it's about this level, even if I'm an amateur, I'll be able to create it in 1 hour once I get used to it. Of course, this is due to AI and various creator tools.
Let's just write a few steps to create it.
1: Tell ChatGPT what kind of song you want to make and have them write the lyrics 1 minute
2: Compose the finished lyrics with Suno for 5 minutes
3: Combine it with an appropriate short video in Canva 30 minutes
4: Add a caption to the finished video with Davinch Resolve for 40 minutes
5: Edit and check videos 5 minutes
6: Create thumbnails in Canva 3 minutes
7: Upload to YouTube and adjust the summary column for 3 minutes
I don't have the ability to write songs, thumbnail designs, or MV video materials on my own. However, if you can use AI or web services a little bit, it can be done in about 1 hour. If you pay more attention to the details and make adjustments, it seems that even amateurs can create something decent.
If you just look at this content, it's just plain fun and “so what?” You might think so. butThose involved in content creation or people on the planning side learned the melodyIt should be.
andI was horrified by the designers and music producersI'm sure.
So, AI can take jobs for humans! I'm worried, but that's not the essence.
Jobs are not taken by AI, jobs are taken by people who can't master AIThat's it. So looking at the current situation, people who think that jobs as designers and composers will disappear are nonsense.
This is because if professional composers use Suno or music AI, they are good at AI and use only the necessary parts well,Subsequent details were brushed up with professional technology and knowledgeIt will be done. You can't beat amateurs here.
Illustrations also show originality with their own color, touch, and composition, and if AI is used well in preparation parts other than that, the quality will probably be completely different from those created by amateurs from prompts with image generation AI.
No matter how high quality a camera I use, it's just like I can't beat the appeal of professional photographers.
With the advent of AI
・People who can't use AI
・People who can't create originality
・People who can only do the work (as instructed)
butEliminated by people who master AIThat's it. In the name of efficiency and increased productivity.
Already me too
・Futures and options modus operandi table production was semi-automated
・You can now create all of the video thumbnails yourself
・LINE stickers, icons, character creation, etc. are no longer outsourced
・Production time was drastically shortened by entrusting preparations for seminars, books, scripts, etc. to AI
・You can now develop your own original chart with TradingView
・Financial statements can now be read by AI and examined according to certain rules
Other than creating MVs for fun, etc., little by little, AI has become a partner.

Will it be this much easier! I'm still surprised, so I'm at that level too lol
Moreover, I was able to do everything in just 2 weeks after I started using ChatGPT in earnest. it's terrifying...
It's not difficult at all,If you entrust the work that AI is good atIt's going to be an amazing performance.
Large companies also began introducing AI to improve work efficiency in the latter half of last year, and many companies have announced that they are improving efficiency by an average of 15 minutes to 1 hour per person per day. If it's a company with thousands of employees, it's immeasurable how much productivity will increase.
Glico, Benesse, Coca Cola, and Yamato Transport are famous examples, and Itoen commercials are created by AI. Furthermore, LINE Yahoo, KDDI, and NEC to Hitachi are also actively disseminating practical examples of AI.
the Liberal Democratic Party is also a political party lol
Even if it's not a big project, work techniques using AI are rapidly spreading in many companies, mainly among young children. If you touch AI at work, you'll notice its awesomeness and improved productivity.
If this isIf you're a part-time individual investor, you can “use it for investment” as it isRight.
It's OK even if you can't read the financial statements. It's OK even if you can't chase fine fans.
AI does all of the data collection, organization, and preparation of easy-to-understand explanations.
Reading all of the quarterly reports is not a human job, but an AI job. Market analysis based on the frequency of occurrence etc. of words in the quarterly report is a legacy method, and people in their 20s using AI can complete it in 1 minute.
If you analyze data for the past 30 years, create correlation coefficients, pivots, create graphs, etc., this is 1 minute.
This isn't 10 or 20 years into the future. Not even next year.
It's “now.”
I've also been in the community for 30 years. I'm getting old lol
Smartphones became popular during this time, became the WEB2 era (SNS), became a cloud world... everything changed society and life.
Smartphones, WEB2, and the cloud have all been disliked by negative groups for 3 years since they appeared, and “searching for reasons not to use them” has been carried out.People who used to do that are now all collecting information on SNS with smartphones and storing that data in the cloudRight?
And over the past 30 years,Companies that have taken advantage of these paradigm shifts have grown rapidly in the US GAFAMRight.
People who are negative about AI now
Why don't you think the same thing will be repeated with generative AI?
Why would they dare to let go of the wealth obtained by making the same mistake?
People in their 40s and 50s who were seriously exposed to AI are more than when smartphones, SNS, or clouds appeared, or ratherChanges on an incomparable scaleI think I'm feeling it.
As or more than the advent of the internetI even think so.
A year and a half has already passed since generative AI appeared. ChatGPT appeared in November '22. Then it will probably be within 1 year from now until it becomes fully popular. The current spread rate is completely different from 2008, when Mr. Sun landed the iPhone in Japan.
After all, it's an old story from nearly 16 years ago.
Generative AIIt quickly spread to the mass class within 3 years of introductionIt should be. Then the time limit is from the latter half of this year to around this time next year.
What do you need as an individual investor
・First, let's touch the free version of ChatGPT
・Watch a few GPT related videos on YouTube
・Study a little bit about the future of AI and semiconductors
It is.
Remember when you fearfully touched your smartphone. But I guess people in their 20s and early 30s don't have that kind of feeling anymore lol
Also, since it's okay to play, it's about getting to know the current sense of AI's skin.
I couldn't buy Apple or Microsoft stocks when I was in my 20s... or rather, I didn't know how to buy US stocks (laughs)
I'm very sorry for my ignorance.
However, the people I had studied and knew were firmly in their portfolios at the timing when it became easy for anyone to buy US stocks. That's amazing.
Currently, the AI, high-tech, and semiconductor sectors are in an imminent decline phase, so there is no need to be impatient and buy now, but I think we should have the courage to buy when the decline stops. I say it every time lol
In the midst of the recent 30-year, or even 50-year paradigm shift (transformation),By far the world line where generative AI from the end of 2022 appeared, amazing things are happeningThat's it.
From that point of view, it is nonsense that the US will be expensive in the next few years, and I think I will buy it when it falls.
In 3 or 5 years, the world will change around AI, and the leading brand may not be NVIDIA. But thatCompanies that will beat are also likely to come out of the US
Also for thatLet's become a person on the side that uses AI from now onIsn't it!
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  • akipi_ : Until recently, I thought the AI bubble would pop someday, but I changed my way of thinking.
    Maybe, but American tech companies are carrying out restructuring and are starting to pour money into AI and human resources who can master AI
    I have no choice but to ride this big wave

  • 熊谷_オプラボ OP akipi_ : Thanks for commenting!
    As you said, the unemployment rate is rising in regions where US tech gathers, and this is exactly the shift to human resources who can utilize AI.

    Until now, jobs that required 10 people have gone around with 2 or 3 people, so of course that's the case.

    Each company should also feel a sense of crisis that it will decline in an instant if it doesn't keep up with this swell, and business performance and stock prices should change the game in an instant.

    It's been a difficult time[undefined]

  • とにお : It's really been an amazing time!
    A year ago, they said IT utilization human resources, but whether or not AI can be used is related to whether or not they can survive in the future!
    I really felt it with my skin!
    I also made a video with AI and thought I'd raise it to X 😅
    It's amazing but scary to be able to write songs even though you don't have a sense of songwriting or lyrics 😇

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