browny_440 : not even buddy read up we going to a dollar and beyond
browny_440 : moon
browny_440 :
browny_440 : can we see a 600% day???
152509429 browny_440 : Bro you realize that 1 is a 590% pump right, I didn’t mean to spoil your passion but this is literally and technically impossible
browny_440 : big money just bought in quater million
browny_440 : bit of loose change for some
browny_440 : not even buddy read up we going to a dollar and beyond
browny_440 : moon
browny_440 :
browny_440 : can we see a 600% day???
152509429 browny_440 : Bro you realize that 1 is a 590% pump right, I didn’t mean to spoil your passion but this is literally and technically impossible
browny_440 : big money just bought in quater million
browny_440 : bit of loose change for some