trading the day
811 shares to play around is easy to swing stocks if you know how to work around . Dont buy into FOMO and wait for the right pullbacks. Waiting patiently for miners like Riot and Mara to slowly bleed off to start a position before the next crypto bullrun.
YuriKatz : wow u hold 800 units?
trading the day OP YuriKatz : 811 shares to play around is easy to swing stocks if you know how to work around . Dont buy into FOMO and wait for the right pullbacks. Waiting patiently for miners like Riot and Mara to slowly bleed off to start a position before the next crypto bullrun.
71306996 : Why don't I get a dividend of 1 yuan per share, it seems like 0.98
trading the day OP 71306996 : maybe because brokers get a small fee. See mine it's 0.98