Thelord : How many shares you have
Alster OP Thelord : Call expiring this week
Thelord Alster OP : What is your strike price
Alster OP Thelord : 89,high chance it’s going to waste
Thelord Alster OP : Doubt it can hit 89 by end of this week. Maybe can consider cutting that call
104174101 : Rubbish stock
70659822 : Hope that you will make money gain from other stocks
Alster OP 70659822 : Made some money with pdd yesterday luckily
Alster OP Thelord : Tonight if I can cover then I will sell, best opportunity now
Thelord : How many shares you have
Alster OP Thelord : Call expiring this week
Thelord Alster OP : What is your strike price
Alster OP Thelord : 89,high chance it’s going to waste
Thelord Alster OP : Doubt it can hit 89 by end of this week. Maybe can consider cutting that call
104174101 : Rubbish stock
70659822 : Hope that you will make money gain from other stocks
Alster OP 70659822 : Made some money with pdd yesterday luckily
Alster OP Thelord : Tonight if I can cover then I will sell, best opportunity now