I made millions : 190
Andre88888888 : 190-200 IMO.
蛋尼尔 OP : But why is it only 177 now?
见好就收知足常乐 蛋尼尔 OP : Waiting for you to sell, and then it will rise again.
蛋尼尔 OP 见好就收知足常乐 : I do not hold stocks
Andre88888888 蛋尼尔 OP : probably affected Abit by AMD earnings or testing levels, end day it's a good beat. should create interest for people to buy in tomorrow
蛋尼尔 OP Andre88888888 : 谢谢你的解释
Andre88888888 蛋尼尔 OP : no worries!
I made millions : 190
Andre88888888 : 190-200 IMO.
蛋尼尔 OP : But why is it only 177 now?
见好就收知足常乐 蛋尼尔 OP : Waiting for you to sell, and then it will rise again.
蛋尼尔 OP 见好就收知足常乐 : I do not hold stocks
Andre88888888 蛋尼尔 OP : probably affected Abit by AMD earnings or testing levels, end day it's a good beat. should create interest for people to buy in tomorrow
蛋尼尔 OP Andre88888888 : 谢谢你的解释
Andre88888888 蛋尼尔 OP : no worries!