KO is good too ️ Since they won due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the unrealized profit is 36%, and it is a solid stock that has neither skyrocketed nor crashed.
It's just my opinion, but with NVIDIA as the main axis, there are slightly diversified investments with large high-tech stocks such as Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet A (Google), and Apple, and then little by little in different industries, BNAI, PLTR, AI, and ADCT from a long-term perspective as high-tech growth stocks
Well, it's just an investment, so it's your own responsibility, but I've made about 40% profit for the past 7 years. We've already secured a profit of about 50% this year, but maybe that's just a coincidence? I'm thinking it would be nice if I could turn it around 20% a year with high-tech rice stocks
たかぴー36 : This is a stock that aims for compound interest with long-term dividends.
すー0403 OP たかぴー36 : Takapi-san
Thanks for commenting.
Do you have recommended stocks ??
すー0403 OP : If there are recommended stocks aimed at dividends, I'll buy them!!
エコさん すー0403 OP : It's Coca-Cola
たかぴー36 すー0403 OP : Robin Hood is hot ️
たかぴー36 エコさん : KO is good too ️ Since they won due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the unrealized profit is 36%, and it is a solid stock that has neither skyrocketed nor crashed.
すー0403 OP : Takapi-san
thank you so much!!
エコさん すー0403 OP : IBM too
chicchi-ai : It's just my opinion, but with NVIDIA as the main axis, there are slightly diversified investments with large high-tech stocks such as Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet A (Google), and Apple, and then little by little in different industries, BNAI, PLTR, AI, and ADCT from a long-term perspective as high-tech growth stocks
Well, it's just an investment, so it's your own responsibility, but I've made about 40% profit for the past 7 years. We've already secured a profit of about 50% this year, but maybe that's just a coincidence? I'm thinking it would be nice if I could turn it around 20% a year with high-tech rice stocks
すー0403 OP : Chicchi-ai
Thank you very much
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