103490059 : how much you deposit into maybank retail and eastspring? minimum daily return you get?
Papa Bear Raswan OP 103490059 : 6k+ each with around 0.60 each daily
I Am 102927471 :
Lemonthunder : Hey im new to money market fund, does the money we invested in will fluctuate or remain safe?
Papa Bear Raswan OP Lemonthunder : So far with daily returns, the capital is safe
103490059 : how much you deposit into maybank retail and eastspring? minimum daily return you get?
Papa Bear Raswan OP 103490059 : 6k+ each with around 0.60 each daily
I Am 102927471 :
Lemonthunder : Hey im new to money market fund, does the money we invested in will fluctuate or remain safe?
Papa Bear Raswan OP Lemonthunder : So far with daily returns, the capital is safe