Well a couple reasons, the democrats don’t want to look bad because the strike will cause inflation and 2nd the hurricane relief will be greatly affected because of the strike and lastly is if the democrats lose and most likely will it becomes a Trump problem to deal with on top of all the other clean up from them destroying our country!!
scarlight : nice, at least workers have something.
AGP OP scarlight : well... ya 62% pay increase
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY scarlight : Agreed, not the time to stop working
LittleSoldier : It’s temporary suspended until after the election?
AGP OP LittleSoldier : tentative deal... guessing it's coz they don't want a bad economy before the election
LittleSoldier AGP OP : Well a couple reasons, the democrats don’t want to look bad because the strike will cause inflation and 2nd the hurricane relief will be greatly affected because of the strike and lastly is if the democrats lose and most likely will it becomes a Trump problem to deal with on top of all the other clean up from them destroying our country!!