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$Amazon (AMZN.US)$ well the concern about Amazon's prime not...

$Amazon(AMZN.US)$ well the concern about Amazon's prime not being up to snuff because the consumers tapped is completely untrue because you can read the results for yourself. so what are we witnessing because reality is it should be trading higher and it's down three more dollars. I think we are seeing margin calls this week has been nothing short of a bloodbath for chip stocks and the leading tech stocks and I believe that we are going to see the impact of liquidations from people that were leveraged I think this is more of what's going to happen this morning and throughout the day then the sector rotation that's been talked about I don't believe people are liquidating a thousand shares of Amazon to buy 3,000 shares of TNA the Russell index I just don't buy that I do understand that you could have 5% of your position reallocated and 5% of The magnificent seven across the board going into the Russell basket is a 30% return I get it. and that's because the market cap of Russell stocks are much smaller the more illiquid and what is a trivial amount of money from the mag-7 is a significant amount into the Russell. at what point does Amazon stop going down do we have to wait for the quarterly earnings to come out to have a reversal I don't know maybe I think it's oversold here but it's difficult to try to catch the falling knife so what do you do. you have to split your investable Capital up into batches of three and buy a little on the weakness today and don't buy any more today even if it reverses and goes higher because it may just be a short-term blip. see what happens with geopolitical events will buy it and resign this weekend are they going to put the governor of Pennsylvania and are they going to put the governor of California in I'm sure a lot of people can't wait till 4:00 arrives to put this week behind them because it's been a total train wreck. come next week see what happens if we start to get a couple days of consolidation not a v bottom but sideways with a slight upward bias that's when one could argue that a base is being put in an established and then you could buy your other third. I think your last round you're going to need to wait till after earnings and see what the guidance is even if you get a gap up of $15 $10 deploy your last third there because the money is that have left Amazon will come back in.. that's my two cents
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