Moomoo: Your APE.US position has been executed reverse split, Ratio: 1:10.The new symbol is AMC.US.
Some stocks after reverse split may have odd lots, which will be compensated with the cash equivalent. Please pay attention to changes in your position.
Broset311 OP : Anybody else getting stars in place of stock. Just says they have none to sell
Robny99 : no mine are all there
Watanabe San : unhide it
Darknight-G- Broset311 OP : I'm having that issue...![confused 😕](
Moomoo: Your APE.US position has been executed reverse split, Ratio: 1:10.The new symbol is AMC.US.
Some stocks after reverse split may have odd lots, which will be compensated with the cash equivalent. Please pay attention to changes in your position.
Broset311 OP : Nothing hid
Broset311 OP : Yes it was hid ty