Piggy Bank Trader
Hope so. At one point I was at $75 a share. Only at $9.35 a share now. It’s only a $5k pot but gotta start somewhere. If I was confident in the stock, I’d further average down at these prices. But I’m not too sure where it’s going with AA constantly diluting. I’d rather pull everything out at break even or better and move on to more stabile stocks. But I’ve learned a lot from this so it’s not a total loss. Only 50% down.
Piggy Bank Trader
AA did everything at the end of 23’ for himself and to position AMC for his year end compensation. In the next month you’ll see the price start to go up. I’d bet by summer you’ll see green.
Piggy Bank Trader : Yes, please go to 8!!! I’d be done with amc for 8 a share!
70857680 Piggy Bank Trader : 9.75 here after a LOT of averaging down
Piggy Bank Trader 70857680 : Not too bad of a position. You’ll be even to green this year.
70857680 Piggy Bank Trader : Hope so. At one point I was at $75 a share. Only at $9.35 a share now. It’s only a $5k pot but gotta start somewhere. If I was confident in the stock, I’d further average down at these prices. But I’m not too sure where it’s going with AA constantly diluting. I’d rather pull everything out at break even or better and move on to more stabile stocks. But I’ve learned a lot from this so it’s not a total loss. Only 50% down.
Piggy Bank Trader 70857680 : AA did everything at the end of 23’ for himself and to position AMC for his year end compensation.
In the next month you’ll see the price start to go up. I’d bet by summer you’ll see green.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Piggy Bank Trader : for you piggy i hope it does
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP 70857680 : dnt get greedy when the time comes get the eff hope u make back what u lost
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP Piggy Bank Trader : i was thinking sometime in march a price pump
Piggy Bank Trader xXSavage_Red_PandaXx OP : Definitely before summer