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$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ buyers are not united. letting ...

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ buyers are not united. letting shorts to cover. haiz....cmon....
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  • TheApeInvestor : If they are covering they are just reopening new shorts.

  • Sedliberanosamalo : Where have u been? We warned all Apes about converging, they called us shills, AA sold 30% of ape shares to Antara hedge fund. Yesterday AA diluted another 40m shares. There is no more squeeze play.

  • TheApeInvestor Sedliberanosamalo : That’s only the equivalent of 400M pre split.  We know there are billions of synthetics and god only knows how many swaps.

  • 71320977 Sedliberanosamalo : if you're going to be brain dead at least do it elsewhere. there has been no dilution. they have started the process to DECIDE if and how much they dilute. The price movement is to scare holders into selling. they can't get around the FACT that more shares are in retail accounts than exist.

  • FuFu 888 Sedliberanosamalo : shoo~shoo~ u sold ur shares, go else where.n.pee. [undefined]Sho0~ shoo~

  • Ken Griffin Charity2 71320977 : Do you… not understand how the market works? AMC announced that they plan to issue up to 40 million more shares and the market responded.
    “They” aren’t scaring anyone. “They” didn’t cause the plunge in price. What “they” are, are people with brains, because anyone with a brain knows that dilution reduces shareholder value. It’s actually basic math. Dilution might not have occurred YET, but it is being PRICED IN.

    If I were you, I REALLY wouldn’t worry too much about others being brain dead.

  • 71320977 Ken Griffin Charity2 : If retail orders don't influence the price because it's algorithmically manipulated, then "they" did drop the price. Do YOU know how the market works? Tell me, how does a consistent 70%+ buy order imbalance result in an 80% sell-off? Oh let me guess "that's the market hurr durr". Go back to playing in the sandbox if you're not going to read actual filings and contribute something meaningful. If you've been here for any amount of time you'd know it's just crime, every day. Fucking brain dead shill.

  • Ken Griffin Charity2 71320977 : Are you honestly this stupid? Orders don’t mean shit. Do you think there’s a numerical difference between 10 orders of 1 share versus 1 order of 10 shares?

    It’s this inability to grasp basic math that’s why you’re a bag holding loser. Enjoy those bags and continue to whine about crime and manipulation everyday champ.
